Apart from the possibly awkward social scenarios, bad breath is sometimes indicative of a larger dental or health problem. Quite simply, if you or someone you love has chronic bad breath, you cannot just ignore the problem. Bad breath, also known as Halitosis, is often detected when two people come in close contact with one another. Kissing, close talking or in extreme cases, simply talking to someone at a normal distance can raise the red flags for Halitosis.
But what causes bad breath?
There are several possible causes of halitosis. Listed here are the most common culprits for this embarrassing problem.
Some types of food
The remnants of your last meal can trigger bacterial growth which in turn can lead to bad odor in your mouth. However, there are some types of foods that are specifically notorious for causing bad breath. These include some types of spices, garlic, and onions. As you digest these and as these travel through your body, they can affect the scent of your breath.
Consumption of tobacco products
Cigarettes and other tobacco products create a distinct, often bad smelling scent in the mouth. But apart from this, tobacco products can increase your risk for dental problems, including oral cancer.
Poor oral hygiene
If you do not practice good oral hygiene, the food particles left in your mouth w
Reasons for Extreme Tooth Sensitivity
At certain points in your life, you are highly likely to have brought a spoonful of hot soup to your lips, or taken a bite out of an ice cream cone or sandwich, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in your tooth (or in more than one). You pause for a minute to recover from the pain and surprise, but then you simply shrug the experience off as something that always happens when you eat hot or cold foods, and continue eating.
Tooth Sensitivity Due to Temperature
Experiencing some sensitivity to hot, cold or acidic foods is quite common, but as any reputable dentist will tell you, it’s possible that you may need to be a bit more concerned about what the pain could be telling you. If you feel this pain in your teeth and you have a few other symptoms at the same time (examples are swollen gums, loose teeth or significant pain while chewing), then you may be more than just plain sensitive — you could be experiencing extreme tooth sensitivity. To understand why you experience extreme tooth sensitivity, it helps to learn about the different parts of your tooth:
- The crown is the part of the teeth found above the gumline. A layer of protective enamel covers the crown.
- The root is the part of the teeth found below the gumline. It also has a protective coating like enamel
Most people think that they observe good oral hygiene practices — until a trip to the dentist reveals some dental woes. However, most people’s knowledge of proper dental care can be limited, and there are also dental care tips that they may be neglecting to do. In addition, they usually fail to recognize the importance of making the appropriate adjustments to their oral health routine when they undergo or implement changes in their lives (due to an illness, for example). To avoid the risks that improper dental care can create, These dental care tips below that can have a huge impact on your oral health:
Load Up On Calcium
Load up on calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, milk and soybeans. These can boost the strength of your teeth and make them less prone to breakage, which can happen during accidents.
Soak Up Some Sun
Make sure you fully activate the calcium you consume with vitamin D. You can get that straight from the sun while exercising (during the safest hours, of course, which are from 8 to 10 in the morning), or from various supplements available in the market.
Don’t Forget The Vitamin C
Load up on vitamin C as well. Being deficient of this essential vitamin can lead to severe dental problems such as loose teeth and bleeding gums (periodontal disease). You can easily g
5 Important Oral Cancer Facts
Medical reports claim that approximately 48,250 Indians will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year alone. This is an alarming number, which is why dental professionals strongly recommend oral cancer screening to be done regularly for everybody — particularly those who are 30 years of age and older.
Oral Cancer Facts – Screening
Apart from oral cancer screening, dentists advise their patients to make smart lifestyle changes in order to reduce the risk of developing oral cancer. Smoking is definitely a big no-no; likewise, dentists also emphasize to their patients the importance of managing stress effectively. Stress can weaken the immune system due to the toxic amounts of adrenaline and cortisol making their way to vital organs.
Heed Your Dentists’ Advice
It’ imperative to heed dentists’ advice regarding oral cancer because oral cancer is now one of the most prevalent cancers there are. Provided below are oral cancer facts that will convince you to take the risk of this disease very seriously.
Reports Say….
Reports reveal that out of the projected 48,250 individuals who’ll be diagnosed with oral cancer this year, only half of this number will be alive in the next five years.
WHO Records
Your Different Options for Tooth Restoration
Dentistry now offers a variety of reliable methods to restore missing or damaged teeth. If you wish to regain your original smile, your dentist has a ready solution for you. So what are the different types of tooth restoration? Here listed five of the most common options to choose from:
Dental bridges are false teeth that are used to “bridge” the space created by one missing tooth or a few missing teeth. They are anchored to the surrounding teeth, which are “crowned” and cemented securely into place. For bridges to be placed properly, it’s imperative that there are enough gums and bone, and that the surrounding teeth are stable enough to serve as an anchor to the bridge.
Dental Crowns are tooth-shaped “covers” or “caps” commonly used for teeth that have been root canaled and need to be protected from further damage. They are also used to hold bridges securely in place, and to cover dental implants.
Dentures are false teeth worn to replace missing teeth. They are removable and are made from acrylic resin and at times combined with a metal attachment. These come in partial and complete designs; partial dentures are used if there are remaining natural teeth, while those who hav
What Causes Tooth Decay?
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, dental caries, more popularly known as tooth decay, are some of the most common chronic diseases in both kids and adults. This is despite the fact that it is a preventable condition. But what exactly causes tooth decay? Tooth decay is caused by a diverse number of factors. Here lists the most common causes below.
Poor Oral Hygiene
If you do a poor job of cleaning your teeth, you become more vulnerable to getting tooth decay. How do you take good care of your teeth and gums? Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes and remember to clean your tongue as well.
Enamel Issues and Deep Tooth Crevices
If you have either of the two, or both, you are highly likely to get tooth decay. This is because the bacteria and plaque in your mouth have room to grow. To counter this problem, ask your dentist about dental sealants.
Poor Nutrition
If your diet consists of lots of food which are rich in sugar, carbohydrates and acid, you may face tooth decay sooner or later. Try your best to keep these foods to a minimum and replace these with healthier fare.
Dry Mouth
The Connection Between Healthy Teeth and a Healthy Body
Why do you take care of your teeth?
Some people will say they take good care of their teeth because they want a bright, confident smile. Others will say that they want to avoid dental problems like cavities and tooth loss. Rarely will you hear people say that they take care of their teeth because they want to be healthy.
What exactly is the correlation between your oral and overall health?
According to Dr. MDS Prasad, a dentist in Bangalore, many people are not aware of the fact that many medical problems can be attributed, to some degree, to mouth infections. Left untreated, these mouth infections can lead to diseases in other body parts. Take gum disease, for example. Many studies indicate that this oral health problem is connected to chronic illnesses like heart disease, lung infections and problems related to diabetes and pregnancy.
But why do some people (medical and dental practitioners, included) choose to think of oral and overall health as two distinct concepts?
Some experts believe that there is no acceptable reason to view dental and overall health as two different concepts. But the sad fact is that dental coverage from government-sponsored insurance programs think otherwise,
Some elderly people view dental problems as a consequence of aging. But the truth is that oral health is important, whatever your age is. If you are a senior or someone who cares for one, you need to be aware of a few alarming statistics. For one, more than 30% of older adults have cavities which are left untreated. About 25% of seniors have a periodontal disease which has been associated with a few chronic health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Finally, around 30% of the elderly lose their teeth due to different factors.
Why is senior dental health care important?
The most important reason why the elderly should pay careful attention to their dental health is because they do not need to lose their teeth while they age. On top of that, the human mouth changes over time. And if you do not pay close attention to this and your overall dental health, you could face serious consequences related to your health. As you age, you can become vulnerable to different dental problems brought about by different factors. For example, some medications have been known to cause dry mouth as a side effect. Low levels of saliva can make you vulnerable to bacteria and other microorganisms which can cause issues like gum disease and cavities. Also, a person’s diet can also negatively impact one’s health. For example, if you consume too many hard and sti
With all kinds of toothbrushes available in the market today, most people either just get the first one they could find or something from a familiar brand. While choosing one should not take too much of your time, it’s also important to scrutinize the features and design of the toothbrush before making a purchase. As important as choosing the right toothbrush is, knowing how to use it properly is just as important. No matter how great your brush is, you are still going to have dental problems if you do not know the right brushing techniques that will allow you to clean your teeth well. Having a good toothbrush and using it properly will keep your teeth relatively safe from cavities. Follow our toothbrush buying guide the next time you buy a toothbrush for yourself or family:
1. Yes, size matters.
The bigger the head of the toothbrush, the more difficult it is to maneuver inside the mouth, plus you will not be able to clean areas that are hard to reach like the molars. It is recommended that you buy a toothbrush with a head that is half an inch wide and one inch tall. Also, go with a brush with a handle that you are comfortable holding.
2. Go for the right type of bristles.
We all brush our teeth differently. For instance, some people may need more careful brushing due to teeth or gum sensitivities. Generally, it is recommended that you use a soft bristled toot
Bleeding gums can be caused by a variety of reasons. It can be as simple as changing up your oral hygiene habits or as serious as gum disease. Whatever the reason may be for bleeding gums, you have to take note of your problem and be extra attentive to other warning signs which may indicate a larger problem. Here’s what to do if your gums are bleeding.
Pay extra attention to your oral hygiene
One of the leading cause of bleeding gums is the buildup of plaque, especially along the gum line. When you fail to remove plaque, it can harden and turn into tartar which can attach to your teeth and irritate your gums. Eventually, the buildup of plaque and tartar can lead to bleeding gums and progress to gum disease. In order to promptly remove plaque, you need to brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Paying extra attention to oral hygiene can often stop bleeding of the gums.
Check your toothbrush
Some people mistakenly believe that toothbrushes with medium to hard bristles are better at cleaning the teeth. However, hard bristles can irritate the gums and cause gum bleeding. But apart from checking your toothbrush, you may also have to evaluate the way you brush and floss your teeth. If you have been brushing and flossing your teeth vigorously, you can cause your gums to bleed.
Eat healthy
Another thing that you should c